Pet acupuncture


Pet acupuncture

1.neuro-ortho problem and pain management such as paralysis,paresis

(sudden,chronic),DJD,OA,IVDD,Spurformation,joindz,muscular atrophy, hind limb  

weakness and hypereflex. CE: Pain management, stimulate nervous system and muscular system.  


2.Neurological problem , vestibular disease, brain/spinal trauma, head tilt, caudal

equine syndrome, cognitive syndrome, behavioral change and insomnia. 

CE: in seizure patient, acupuncture is able to decrease the frequency and reduce dose  

of the anti-seizure medicine. 


3.Respiratory system เช่น asthma, sinusitis, tracheal problem, chronic cough (from heart

condition on others), chronic bronchitis CE: Acupuncture can stimulate immune system, reduce cough, reduce medicines and  stimulate cardiovascular system.     


4.Heart problems such as congestive heart failure, hypertension and dilated

cardiomyopathy etc. CE: Acupuncture is able to maintain cardiovascular function, reduce blood pressure  

and maintain appetite 


5.Endocrine problem such as cushing’s disease, diabetes melitus and thyroid hormone 

CE:Acupuncture can control hormonal level and blood glucose. 


6.Skin problems such as chronic demodecosis, allergy, atopy, hairloss, ear infection and skin infection  


7.Urinary tract  and Renal disease such as Urinary tract infection, urinary incontinence,

Chronic kidney disease, FLUTD, cystitis and control renal function 


8.GI problem such as megacolon ,chronic constipation, diarrhea with unknown cause,

chronic vomiting ,megaesophagus and enteritis. 


9.Liver disease, acupuncture can control liver function and increase appetite.


10.Reproductive tract such as infertility


11.Cancer/tomor; in order to maintain life quality.

Acupuncture, does it really work?
Acupuncture is an alternative medicine used concomitantly with western medicine.
Most of the time we use it to reduce the dose of medicines which have an adverse  
effect on liver or kidney. Nevertheless, some conditions like neuromuscular diseases,  
we can use acupuncture as a primary treatment. We found that more than 80% of the  
owners are impressed with this treatment modality. 
How often we need to do an acupuncture?
At the beginning we might start 1 to 2 times a week, how many times it is really
dependent on animal since some may respond well at the first time, but some may  
need 4-5 times. We normally use around 30 minutes each time and electrical  
stimulation will be used under veterinarian consideration.


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