Alternative Medicine Center
The Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture or therapeutic use of herbs may consider as a new topic in Thai Veterinary Industry, but it is an alternative that is getting a lot of attention as a result of its techniques and guidelines that are different from the current medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine focuses on the balance of breath adjustment by using acupuncture treatment to relieve pain and cure abnormal symptoms.
Aside from the Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Alternative Medicine Center of iVET Pet Wellness Center can also provide the current medicine for a better efficiency treatment with our cutting-edge medical devices and the accurate diagnosis of our expert veterinarians throughout 24 hours for good quality of your pets’ lives.
Introducing a talented vet in Alternative Medicine Center
Dr. Worawut Bowonnimit (Dr.Q)
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Khon Kaen University (64th class) and Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Experienced in Alternative medicine, Acupuncture, and Herbs.
For those pets with chronic diseases like paralysis, a non-stop vomiting, or often seizures can contact for more information of our Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, or a herb therapy. We are happy to give you advice on diseases that can be treated with acupuncture, the unusual symptoms that the owner should bring their pets to the vets as well as any cautions that you should know. #PetAdvisor from #iVETPetWellnessCenter for 24/7 on the following channels:
PM on Facebook: โรงพยาบาลสัตว์ไอเว็ท - iVET hospital
Line: @ivethospital >> http://line.me/ti/p/%40qsa5376w
Website: www.ivethospital.com
Hotline: 085-244-7899