Knowing the owners by knowing their dogs' 5 breeds that will tell the owners' personality


Knowing the owners by knowing their dogs' 5 breeds that will tell the owners' personality

Golden Retriever
This breed is like a big brother. They love to have fun with kids! They are also number one in loving their family. Golden Retriever are warm and kind. When they know they get to play or get to go outside, they will be very enthusiastic, as they will run around like crazy! 
We can say that Golden Retriever are very friendly, joyful, and kind. Many others always love them. Therefore, you are a social person aren’t you?

The little Chihuahua who are always enthusiastic, funny, and very smart. This breed is very joyful and agile because of their small size. They are hard to catch once they start running.
We can tell that you love to travel. You love to have your freedom and chilling. However, this might make you seem like you are not a serious person. You are very faithful in love and always dedicated your full potential to love. You will try your best to be the best family members, friends, and lovers. You are always straightforward, however, you should be careful because it can come back and hurt you.

Golden Retriever
This breed is like a big brother. They love to have fun with kids! They are also number one in loving their family. Golden Retriever are warm and kind. When they know they get to play or get to go outside, they will be very enthusiastic, as they will run around like crazy! 
We can say that Golden Retriever are very friendly, joyful, and kind. Many others always love them. Therefore, you are a social person aren’t you?

French Bulldog
Their face might look frowning all the time but that does not mean that they are mad. The French Bulldog love to have fun. Even though they look a bit chubby but they are very fast and they love to run around. However, deep down inside they really need attention. They are the most petulant breed and you should not ignore them, we warn ya!
Who choose this French Bulldog as your pets tells us that you are also a petulant person and need attention all the time. This is hidden inside you but on the outside, you always seem strong and love freedom. You are also a sporting person.

Shih Tzu
This breed is like a little sister who are very smart and sweet. They might seem small but they have a big heart! They are also arrogant like a spoiled kid.
Therefore, we can tell those who have Shih Tzu that you are a very susceptible person. You get mad very easily but also forget about it very soon. It is best not to get you angry because you have quite hot temper! You are also a very confident person that others might see you as over-confident.

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