Would it be better if we can change from running in the sun (Thailand’s sun at 40 degrees!), that could raise the heat stroke, to running in the cool water? Your pets will be happy as well as helping them for the good health. This will help them cure pain and can avoid any injuries that might occur if they run on the ground. This is the new way of maintaining their good health.
AQUA Trek (Under Water Treadmill) is the new therapeutic way of maintaining good health for your pets from iVET Engineering. We control and take care of your pets by professional vet from Rehabilitation Center. This is built for all your pets and best suit for the pets who has ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), decadent hip, or rehabilitate from the surgery. The water will help absorb their weight instead of their ankles and legs.
Or if you prefer for your pets to run on the water track is also a good idea. This will help your pets with their muscles and joints as they can move freely in the water. The water will absorb any impacts to their joints and also reduce pain during the exercise.
The strength of AQUA Trek technology from iVET Engineering that stand out is the inclination mechanism that no treadmill ever done before. The inclination adjustment of the treadmill help develop the best angle for your pets to walk. This also help with the development of their muscles.
AQUA Trek has a nozzle that help increase the water resistance. This can become very challenging in the exercise process. The nozzle is designed to be able to adjust best on the physical appearance of your pets (can adjust height)
Besides, AQUA Trek technology is guaranteed with Bronze Medal from Seoul International Invention Fair 2016 South Korea and Innovation Award from Germany as well.
Guarantee for safety with new innovation for therapeutic and restoration. We would love your pets to have a perfect health, perfect weight, and prevent from any disease.
Come try our new innovative technology to cure and restore the health for you pets with AQUA Trek, the water treadmill that care for you pets that you love in every way at Rehabilitation Center from both of our iVET branch (Rama 9 branch and West Centre branch) for 24/7
‘Give your pets a better life’
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