We love all different breed of dogs. However, when comes to pick your favorite dogs, we cannot just choose them based on your preference only. There are many factors that we need to consider, but the most important factor that we will talk about today is ‘Disease from birth within each breed’ that all owners should know! We believe that every owner want to look after their pets and wish to be with them for a long time right? What disease each breed has? Let’s take a look!
Small dog with long body is the description of Corgi. They are very popular dog and they have a unique physical appearance. Despite their cuteness, they also have disease of their breeds as well. Let us see what disease this breed have.
Hip Dysplasia. If you see your dogs shaking while they are standing, leaning towards one side, and pain when they move; these are the starting symptoms of Hip Dysplasia. It is caused by the abnormal of hipbones, which directly affect the joints and thigh. That is why they are moving inconveniently.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy. You might hear a noise of something hitting something in the dark, and then you found out that it is your Corgi! You have to observe this symptom because it is telling you that there is something wrong with their sight. First, they start getting completely blind in the dark but they might start getting blind even when there is light in the future.
Degenerative myelopathy. This disease’s root cause is still unclear but if your Corgi get old, they have a high risk of having Degenerative myelopathy. This disease is caused by the degeneration of their spine and can lead to the loss of the ability to move. They might have muscle atrophy, feeling weak, or even paralyzed. They will not be able to hold their bladder completely. We suggest that you should take your Corgi to the professional vets to take a look at them, so they can be cured in time.
Golden Retriever
The big brother who has always been kind. The Golden Retriever is the big dog with long hair that can lead to disease regarding bones, skins, and immune system easier than other breeds. What are the things that the owners should take notes; let us see the following.
Hip Dysplasia. They are big on the outside but small on the inside! They always have a problem with their body structure. Hip Dysplasia in big dogs are normal because the it is the anomaly of hipbones development. They also have issue with their joints and thigh, which cause them the unbalance of their body. As they develop this disease, they will seem depressed because of the pain in their movement.
Hypothyroidism. If you see your dog depressed, not joyful, weak, and not moving much but keep gaining weight; then you might have a question right? They might seem normal and healthy; however, this is that start of the Hypothyroidism. This disease cause by anomaly of the immune system that harms their thyroid, and stop their hormones creation.
Atopic Dermantitis. Their weak and sensitive skin might come from many factors such as genetics, the response of the immune system, and the abnormal in the reaction of their skins to the environment. This cause them to itch a lot! In addition, they have a high risk of getting their skin infected!
A crybaby who need attention all the time, especially from you! Shih Tzu is a small dog with the most problem with their eyes. Let’s see the symptom that tell us about their disease because we might be able to prevent this before it gets worse.
Entropion. They have a lot of tears and red eye. If you leave them to have this symptom for a long time, their eyes might be infected and irritated. It will cause your pets to feel uneasy. The best way to cure these symptoms is to have a surgery. This is the long-term cure for your Shih Tzu and prevent their eyes to have the irritation in the future.
Retinal Degeneration. If your Shih Tzu start having a bug-eye, this is not normal. If their iris start to expand, that means they have a high blood pressure. They will have a wide iris and it will not response to light, or get infected by parasite from the blood cell. Their eye will look like they have a blood spot in the eye and the retina peel off. In some case, your Shih Tzu can go blind.
Cryptorchidism. The stage where one of the testicle or both does not stay in scrotum. Their testicle might lay in their abdominal or groin. The root cause can come from genetic but it can be cured by undergo sterilization process. Many vet will suggest this way to cure because it is safe. If you let your pets have Cryptorchidism, it can lead to cancer in the future.
Cataracts. If there is a stain on the glasses, we can use cloth to wipe it out. However, if your pet cannot see clearly, we cannot use cloth to wipe it out. If your Shih Tzu start to have a blurry vision, the root cause might be a slit of a protein within cornea. Cataracts can come from many factors such as diabete.
All of the above diseases that we mentioned are just the most common disease that you should be aware of. However, we suggest that all owners understand nature of each of your dog’s breed before you take them in. This is to prevent the disease from its source.